Mit großen Schritten und der Extraportion Hubraum geht es bei Aprilia weiter. Nachdem der 750er Motor in der Shiver und nun auch Dorsoduro am Markt käuflich zu erwerben ist, wird die nächste Hubraumgröße 1200 Kubik betragen.
Das ein 1200er Motor auf Basis des SL 750 Motors kommen wird ist schon seit geraumer Zeit bekannt. Nun gibt es erstmals nähere Informationen dazu. Zum Einsatz kommen wird der Motor aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach in der FV2, welche auf der Messe in Milano vorgestellt wurde (als Plastemodell wie es aussieht). Der BMW Fahrer wird sich über die ihm bekannte Vorderradführung wundern, der Racingfan über massig Carbon und MotoGP Aussehen vom Feinsten freuen. Zum Einsatz kommt auch das schon bekannte Ride-by-wire System.
Die Pressemitteilung von Aprilia:
The Aprilia FV2 1200 is a concentration of technical innovation, a blend of technology, performance, and pure adrenaline. This amazing concept bike embodies the sum total of Aprilia’s current technical know-how and points in the direction that technical development is likely to take at Noale in the next few years. APRILIA FV2 1200 2007 was the twentieth anniversary of Aprilia’s first GP win and a year in which another four world championships were won. This extraordinary achievement is a repeat of Aprilia’s 2006 success story and takes the total of Aprilia’s world championship titles to an amazing 31.What better technical and sporting heritage could there be behind the Aprilia FV2 1200 concept bike? The FV2 1200 embodies the latest Aprilia technology and reveals the direction likely to be taken by technical and stylistic development at Aprilia in the near future.The heart of the FV2 1200 is Aprilia’s mighty, 1200 cc, 90° V twin, a power plant that confirms Aprilia’s determination to develop high capacity, high technology engines using in-house skills and competence. The minimalist bodywork of the FV2 1200 creates a stunning preponderance of volume towards the front of the bike. The result is a revolutionary, courageous and futuristic look that is destined to form the solid basis for the evolution of Aprilia motorcycle styling. The engine also fulfils a structural role, and acts as the starting point for the backbone of the motorcycle, a carbon fibre, load bearing frame with integrated filter box. The seat is supported by an aluminium beam and by two carbon fibre struts that extend into the tail and around the rear light cluster. The parallelogram front suspension is based on the system already tried and tested on Aprilia’s 250 cc GP racers. These futuristic solutions have led to an amazing weight reduction (the FV2 1200 weighs under 160 kg) and an extremely compact size. The extraordinary agility that has always typified Aprilia motorcycles therefore finds its utmost expression in the FV2 1200. The 1200 cc V twin engine is liquid cooled and boast a ride-by-wire control system. Traction control, a latest generation ABS system and electronic suspension management are also provided to let you ride at your performance peak while maintaining complete control over the bike. The Aprilia FV2 1200’s dashboard incorporates a multi-functional instrument cluster that can be interfaced not only with the bike’s own CAN line but with a PC too, making it possible to download telemetric data for personal performance evaluations, reconfigure the information shown on the matrix display, load new mappings from the internet, display itineraries, and integrate GPRS and GSM modules for mobile phone connectivity. |
Der Motor wird dabei rund 135 PS bei 9.500 U/min-1 und ein Drehoment von 103 NM bei 4.000 U/min-1 leisten. Kann aber auch sein, daß nach oben hin noch deutlich mehr drin ist (auf Kosten des Drucks von unten).
V2 1200 Motor
Quelle: Aprilia